The Scattered Seeds Podcast

Episode 103 - Ken and Carolyn Muckle

Hosts Nate Devlin and Tom O'Boyle and Producer Kate Kuzko Episode 103

20 years is a long time to wait for a foreign mission field to blossom. Especially for two Pittsburghers who had never lived further than the next state over. What does it take to wait for the Lord to work? Patience and perseverance grown through years and years of prayer. 

This is the story Ken and Carolyn Muckle brought to us today. They had been called to the mission field of sunny Spain where they lived and labored for 25 years planting a now thriving evangelical church. So join Tom, Nate, Ken and Carolyn as they tell the story of answering the call.

Welcome back to the scattered seeds podcast, where every life, has a story.

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